Friday, September 10, 2010

Conversation Starter: What qualities do you value?

Ask your mentee "Which teacher, coach, or other school worker is a positive role model for you? What qualities do you value in her or him?"

Keep the ball rolling and talk about what qualities you value and who demonstrates them. Whats next? Set a goal - pick one quality and try to demonstrate it as much as possible before your next mentoring session.

For example "I admire my boss because she smiles at everyone and is really positive." Ask your mentee to try it out for a week! Dont forget to follow up and see what happened.

Activity of the Day

Hand down a hobby by teaching your mentee a skill, such as quilting, model building, or card tricks.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Teammates of Holt County Sets Ambitious Goals

O’NEILL NE – On September 2, The TeamMates Mentoring Program gathered board members for strategic planning and creating a vision statement for the program. The vision for TeamMates of Holt County is to serve 50 youth by 2013 and to have matches meet 24 or more times annually. To realize this vision, the board will be recruiting new mentors, board members and educating the community on the impact of mentoring in the lives of youth.

TeamMates Executive Director, Suzanne Hince was on hand to provide the planning. “We are very excited about the new vision for TeamMates of Holt County. The commitment to youth in the community is evident by the quality of the volunteers associated with the program. We are grateful to the mentors and board members who are willing to give of their time and talents to young people,” said Hince.

In July, Holt County TeamMates received a grant of $2500 from the Norfolk Area United Way for support and expansion of the existing program. This grant helps cover the costs associated with recruiting and training qualified mentors.

Community members interested in mentoring or supporting the program should contact Joshua Davis at402-340-4411 or

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Former Miss Columbus aims to help TeamMates Mentoring Program

Article from the Stamford Advocate - Click here to link to the full article.

COLUMBUS, Neb. (AP) — Columbus' youth will have more mentors thanks to an effort by Heather Loseke.

The former Miss Columbus embarked on a challenge to businesses this year to increase mentoring in the community. Called the Miss Columbus Business Challenge, it kicked off at the start of the year.

Businesses were encouraged to increase their number of employees who mentor. The organization that showed the greatest increase was rewarded with a visit by Tom Osborne, founder of the TeamMates mentoring program.

The Business Challenge concluded May 15. Winning the challenge was Columbus Family Practice. Osborne recently spent an afternoon luncheon with the group at Wunderlich's.

Loseke said her goal was to get 20 mentors. She spoke to approximately 50 businesses about the benefits of mentoring. In the end, 25 people signed up to mentor and another 14 pledged to volunteer with TeamMates, Big Pals-Little Pals and Youth For Christ.

Ten of the new mentors came from Columbus Family Practice. That accounts for about half of the office employees. Office manager Tracy Goos said she welcomed Loseke into the office to speak to employees about mentoring. She herself signed up for TeamMates.

Goos said she didn't know how many from her office would choose to be mentors. She feels it will be beneficial for all involved.

"I hope it will be a win-win situation for the mentors and the mentees. I hope they will make an impact on the youth. I know what great people they are and how much of an impact they can make," Goos said.

Loseke's platform issue when she was crowned Miss Columbus in 2009 was building strong mentoring relationships. She herself was mentored as a child through Youth For Christ and later volunteered with TeamMates when she was in college.

When approaching businesses about mentoring, Loseke pushed the benefits that employers could experience by allowing employees to mentor. Some of those benefits include better production and attitudes from employees.

Loseke said one of the biggest questions mentors have is if they are really making a difference. A youth might not remember all the encouragement and guidance from a mentor, but they will take one thing with them.

"What they are going to remember is that you are consistently there caring for them. That's that biggest impact you make on their life," Loseke said.

Mentoring, she said, is like a friendship where support and investment in a young person's life is a priority.

"The more mentors we can have in our community, the better place it will be," Loseke said.

The biggest struggle for mentoring organizations is finding people willing to be a mentor.

"The hardest thing is to recruit mentors. Sometimes it is a lot easier to write a check than to give of your time and to give of your personal resources," Osborne said.

TeamMates has 4,300 kids who are being mentored in 116 communities. But Osborne said in most communities, there is at least one-third more kids who would like a mentor than they have mentors.

A mentor really provides three ingredients that can help a young person, Osborne said. That includes unconditional caring, affirmation and providing a vision. Many kids don't have caring adults in their lives on a consistent basis. Mentoring can help fill that void.

Organizations like TeamMates pushes education. Studies have shown it is having a positive effect in that area. Children who are mentored show improvement in several areas, including better school attendance, fewer disciplinary referrals and better grades.

But mentoring reaches beyond the classroom. It can help a child see beyond his or her own problems they are experiencing at home and strive for a better future for themselves.

"The thing about mentoring that is important is that it is really about breaking cycles," Osborne said.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teammates of Holdrege Recieves Award For Outstanding Program

Article posted on the Holdredge Public Schools Webage.

TeamMates of Holdrege was the recipient of the 2009-10 Outstanding TeamMates Program Award for the Western Region at the TeamMates Partnership Meeting in Lincoln on July 27th.

The following tribute was announced (The tribute was on the large framed plaque that Mary Schneider is holding). The Holdrege program has been strong and steady since day one of existence. With a board that is passionate, teamed up with coordinators that are committed, and school and community that is supportive, this program has had the ingredients for success from the beginning! Holdrege TeamMates has done a fabulous job developing a "culture of mentoring" in their community. The board and coordinators work hard providing extra activities and events to give matches the opportunity to spend more time together, which is part of the reason why their matches are strong and of good quality. The other part is the care given to make good matches based on interests. Thank you Holdrege, you are a program to look up to!

Jean Berreckman and Mary Schneider were very excited to receive this award. "It is worth every minute of time that we have put in the program. We currently have 53 student mentees matched up with 53 adult mentors in grades sixth through eighth. We are in need of more adults to volunteer to be mentors to our new group of fifth grade students here at Holdrege Middle School", said Jean Berreckman (co-oordinator of the TeamMates program). "We have a very supportive administration and TeamMates Advisory board that has been instrumental in getting us started," said Mary Schneider (co-oordinator of TeamMates program).

A TeamMates Mentor is someone who provides a young person with support, friendship, and a positive example. TeamMates asks that you make a commitment of meeting with your student mentee for one hour a week in a school setting for a minimum of one year. When you meet with your mentor you may have lunch, talk, you may pick an activity to do such as a board game, go in the gym shoot baskets, make a craft put together a puzzle or a model car or cook etc. What is involved in getting started, three easy steps: #1 Apply - Complete the mentor application #2 Train - Take training to prepare you for the experience #3 Match - Meet your mentee.

***There is an up-coming information/training night on Monday, August 30th from 5:30-6:30 P.M. in the Holdrege Middle School Media Center. You are invited to come find out what the TeamMates Mentoring Program is all about. Mentors are needed for our new fifth grade class!

Bring a friend, or relative - COME JOIN THE TEAM! Call Mary or Jean at995-5421 if you have questions.
Jean Berreckman and Mary Schneider Co-oordinators of the Holdredge TeamMates Mentoring Program

Friday, August 27, 2010

Talent for TeamMates Competition

Lincoln, NE Public School Students – Grades 6 through 12! Represent your school and compete for prizes*!

The Talent for TeamMates Competition will be held Sunday, Oct. 3rd at St. Mark’s Church, 8550 Pioneers Blvd. from 4 to 6 pm.

Music acts from Lincoln Public Schools are invited to participate in the first ever, city-wide talent competition - Talent for TeamMates!

To perform, students must audition. Taping events are scheduled at all LPS middle and high schools starting September 1st. Check for audition guidelines and the school schedules.

*One high school and one middle school act will win an opportunity to perform at the Lied Center for Performing Arts and a $100 gift certificate to Dietz Music House.

Advanced tickets available through the Lincoln TeamMates office (402) 436-1990; $5 students/youth (w/valid ID) or $10 adults.
At the door: $10 students/youth (w/valid ID) or $15 adults.

All ticket sales from the event go to support the Lincoln TeamMates mentoring program.

For more information: or 436-1990

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Teammates Mentoring needs Mentors

KVSH (Valentine, NE) posted an article on their website about TeamMates!

The Valentine Chapter of Teammates Board of Directors met yesterday at the Valentine Middle School. The summary of last year’s successful program showed 24 mentors in the schools.

CLICK HERE to link to the full article

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twarling named head of mentoring program

The North Platte Telegraph
By Heather Johnson | Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:11 AM CDT

Just three months after leaving his post as associate superintendent of the North Platte Public Schools, Dan Twarling has made good on his promise to stay involved with youth and the community.

He has been named coordinator of the area chapter of the TeamMates Mentoring Program. His experience includes 37 years in the public education system.

"I couldn't stay away. I'm really excited about this and have some lofty goals," said Twarling. "There are currently 25 mentors, and the goal is to increase that to 100. TeamMates is also going to become more visible in the community. Today's young people are tomorrow's future and anything we can do to help them benefits us all."

CLICK HERE to read the full story ....

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Columbus Telegram - Loseke makes her mark with mentoring challenge

By Julie Blum The Columbus Telegram. CLICK HERE to link to the full article at The Columbus Telegram.

COLUMBUS — Columbus’ youth will have more mentors thanks to an effort by Heather Loseke.

The former Miss Columbus embarked on a challenge to businesses this year to increase mentoring in the community. Called the Miss Columbus Business Challenge, it kicked off at the start of the year.

Businesses were encouraged to increase their number of employees who mentor. The organization that showed the greatest increase was rewarded with a visit by Tom Osborne, founder of the TeamMates mentoring program.

The Business Challenge concluded May 15. Winning the challenge was Columbus Family Practice. Osborne spent an afternoon luncheon with the group Thursday at Wunderlich’s.

CLICK HERE to link to the full article at The Columbus Telegram.

1011 Kearney

Click on the picture below to link to 1011's website. They've posted a great video about the need for mentors! Thanks 1011!!

Kearney Hub Article

UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Athletics Director Tom Osborne speaks to an audience at Kearney’s Hilltop Mall Friday. Osborne talked to Nebraska fans about the TeamMates Mentoring Program founded by him and his wife, Nancy. Rick Tucker, Kearney Hub
Below is an article from the Kearney Hub. Click HERE to visit the Kearney Hub's website and link to the full article.

The need for youth mentors brought Nebraska Athletics Director Tom Osborne to Kearney Friday afternoon.

Speaking at a Tailgate for TeamMates at Hilltop Mall, Osborne made a plea for volunteers to assist in the TeamMates Mentoring Program founded by him and his wife, Nancy.

The program currently mentors 4,300 youths in 16 communities in Iowa and Nebraska, “and we’re shooting for 5,000,” he said.

But the program has one-third more youngsters who would like a mentor than there are available mentors.

“And I know that’s the case in Kearney,” Osborne said.

Kearney has approximately 100 mentors participating in the program, and Osborne was scheduled to speak later Friday at a similar gathering for the program in Hershey, a town with the population of 600 that also has about 100 mentors.

“That’s the kind of commitment they’ve made to young people,” he said.

Being a mentor requires about one hour per week meeting with the youth, and all that is required is someone who cares, somebody who affirms and someone who provides a vision.

Each school has a coordinator who matches mentors with the students and the TeamMates program provides the training.

Osborne said students in the program have experienced a lower dropout rate, higher grades and fewer disciplinary problems.

“Eighty-five percent of our young people show improvement in attendance … and if in-school attendance is getting better, everything is getting better,” Osborne said.

Tom Osborne Visits Hershey, NE TeamMates Mentoring Program

By Mark Obermeier
Published: Saturday, August 21, 2010 4:10 AM CDT
North Platte Telegraph

HERSHEY - How many lives have been affected by the Teammates Mentoring Program? How many students have stayed in school, graduated and gone on to college?

Dr. Tom Osborne stopped by Hershey Friday night to shed a little light on the mentoring program's success and to thank the patrons of Hershey for all that they do in helping young individuals.

Tom and Nancy Osborne could not have imagined the program's success that was developed 19 years ago after watching a television show one evening.

"We were watching a television program one evening that told about an individual that was trying to help troubled youth," Osborne said. "The gentleman told the kids that if they would just stay in school and graduate, he would pay for their college education."

After the TV program, Osborne said he asked Nancy if there was something they could do for the Lincoln community. When they put their heads together, the TeamMates Mentoring Program was born.

Osborne approached the Nebraska football team to see if there was any interest in working with the youth of Lincoln. Twenty-two athletes volunteered to help seventh and eighth grade students in the cities junior highs.

"I knew that Nancy and I couldn't afford to send all the students to college," said Osborne. "But I told them if they graduated, we would find a way.

"By the time they graduated, the money was there with a lot of help. All 22 graduated and 18 of those went to college."

From those first 22 students and mentors, the program now has grown to 4,300 members in 116 communities. Most of the programs are in Nebraska but eight are in western Iowa and Osborne has traveled to San Diego to help start a program there.

Osborne had nothing but praise for the Hershey mentor/mentee program.

"Hershey is the poster child for the mentoring program," said Osborne. "They have shown a tremendous amount of interest in helping youth. I want to thank Hershey for wanting to take care of their young people."

Osborne went on to talk about the benefits that he sees in the mentoring program.

"It helps keep kids out of trouble," Osborne said. "Not that all of them would [get in trouble], but it keeps them on the right path."

Osborne said that there are about 75 percent less problems once a student enters the program and about half of the students get better grades. He also stated how the program was well worth the cost.

"It costs about $460 a year per student," he said. "It is cost effective and a tremendous return in our investment."

Osborne said there are actually more kids that want mentored than we have mentors. So there is still a need for more volunteers.

"It is all about building relationships," he said. "It is a one-on-one relationship that hopefully continues through graduation."

Osborne said there are three things that every mentor should do: (1) They should care unconditionally and want the best for their mentee; (2) They need to provide affirmation and really believe in the mentee; (3) They need to provide a vision

Osborne went on to say the mentors want to provide a vision for the kids in identifying their strengths and reinforcing them.

"Successful people don't worry about what they can't do," said Osborne. "If just one person can find help, he can help others. It is the ripple affect, it can last forever."

Link the the full article HERE.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Certified mentoring programs expand in communities across the state

TeamMates Mentoring Program is happy to announce that TeamMates of the Missouri Valley was awarded full certification with the Iowa Mentoring Partnership. The Iowa Mentoring Partnership, a state government agency that is supported by the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, strives to increase the capacity of local mentoring programs by providing statewide opportunities for training, recognition, resource-development, technical assistance and much more.

As the certifying body for local mentoring programs in our state, the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service is proud to announce that PROGRAM recently gained program (re)certification with the Iowa Mentoring Partnership. PROGRAM joins a network of more than 80 mentoring programs that have gained certification status with the Iowa Mentoring Partnership and are committed to upholding quality mentoring services for children and youth.

PROGRAM will also work to ensure Governor Chet Culver’s 2009 proclamation that “every child in the state have the tools and resources necessary to succeed.”

Share statewide mentoring data and insert a paragraph or two about the mentoring program. Be sure to mention how individuals can connect with the program and become a mentor.

TeamMates Mentoring Program

Iowa Mentoring Partnership
(800) 308-5987

Bellevue Leader Features an Article about local TeamMates Chapter

TeamMates, the youth mentoring program founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne, is looking for volunteer mentors for about 100 Bellevueelementary, middle and high school students. The organization hopes to find at least 50 new mentorsthis year, said Jesse Hopkins, the TeamMates coordinator for Bellevue PublicSchools.

"It's an amazing opportunity for both BellevuePublic Schools and TeamMates," Hopkins said. "We've got a lot ofpeople who are looking to volunteer somewhere, but they just don't know whereto go. The TeamMates program is an excellent opportunity."

TeamMates was awarded a $55,000 grant from MidlandsMentoring Partnership to expand its presence in Bellevue. The grant allowed forthe hiring of Hopkins and a screening and retention specialist for themetropolitan area.

"TeamMates is definitely an exemplary mentoringprogram," said Deborah Neary, executive director of Midlands MentoringPartnership. "We're thrilled that they are willing to keep expandingbecause the need for mentors is really huge in our local communities."

TeamMates volunteers spend about an hour a week duringschool hours meeting one-on-one with youths through high school graduation.

Volunteers have to pass a background check, after whichthey are matched with a student from third to 12th grade with similarinterests.

Anyone interested in volunteering can apply at or contact Hopkins orBill Richards at the Lied Activity Center by calling 293-5000.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mentoring program showing success, needs more help

Friday, August 13, 2010

McCook Daily Gazette

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The local branch of a mentoring program started by Tom Osborne is showing positive results, according to a program official.
The latest annual metrics indicated that students involved with the McCook TeamMates program had 100 percent fewer absences than they did before they became part of the program, according to Dennis Berry, TeamMates president.

CLICK HERE to read the full story......

Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010


A kickoff for the TeamMates Gala was held in June at the 94/95 Club on 180th and Pacific. Committee members learned about the importance of mentoring young people from TeamMates Mentoring Program founder Tom Osborne. The 2010 Gala, Tailgate for TeamMates, will be held on Friday October 29th at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in LaVista, NE. The guest speakers will be Warren Buffett and Keith Jackson. Buffett is an investor, businessman and philanthropist. He is regarded as one of the world’s greatest stock market investors and is the largest shareholder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Keith Jackson is an American sportscaster, known for his long career with ABC Sports and his coverage of college football.

Honorary Chairmen for the Teammates Gala are Mike and Lin Simmonds. General Chairmen are Scott and Danielle Bunz and Chuck and Christine Stevens. Committee members are Curt and Pat Brannon, Gayle and Jody Carstens Janet and Steve Chambers, Terry and Lisa Connealy, Kris and Jessica Covi, Stacey and Kevin Falk, Paul and Dawn Gonzales, Brad and Kate Grabill, Aaron and Kim Graham, Matt and Lisa Gravelle, Tom and Jenny Haase, John and Victoria Halgren, Suzanne and Jason Hince, Jeff and Kristi Jacobs, Jill and Mike Johnson, Chad and Carie Kelsay, Tim and Kari Kudron, Chuck and Kristin Lewis, Claudia and Anthony Messineo, Susie and Don Nelson, Dan and Darcy Pleasant, Greg and Lisa Russell, and Chris and Diana Tribulato.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

2010 Coaches Challenge Kicks Off!

For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Adrianne Watson


The Challenge
The National Mentoring Partnership has identified 15 million youth in need of a mentor. Thousands of these youth live in Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas.

In an effort to help close this “mentoring gap” the fourth annual Coaches Challenge Mentor Recruitment Campaign has kicked off between TeamMates Mentoring Program and Kansas Mentors. UNL Athletic Director, Tom Osborne (TeamMates) and Kansas State Football Coach, Bill Snyder (Kansas Mentors) are leading the efforts to see which team can recruit the most new mentors. This year the campaign has expanded to include college coaches and administrators from across Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas who are challenging their communities to volunteer to mentor a youth. Follow the Coaches Challenge score at to see which program has recruited the most new mentors.

The Coaches Challenge launched on July 27th at the 2010 TeamMates Annual Partnership Meetings. Over 200 TeamMates Coordinators from across NE & IA and co-founders Tom and Nancy Osborne were in attendance. The winning team will be announced ¬¬¬December 4th, 2010.

The Teams
Kansas Mentors, led by Coach Bill Snyder, is a statewide mentoring initiative whose mission it is to provide every young Kansan access to a caring and quality mentor.

TeamMates, founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne, is a mentoring program whose mission is to positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential through mentoring. Mentors meet one hour per week at the school to provide support and encouragement to youth.

Coaches Challenge Supporters:
Trev Alberts University Of Nebraska – Omaha, Athletic Director
Brent Bargen Chadron State College, Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Pat Behrns University Of Nebraska – Omaha, Head Football Coach
Lance Creech Hastings College, Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Tim Connealy Chadron State College, Head Women’s Basketball Coach
Turner Gill University of Kansas, Head Football Coach
Brian Keller Nebraska Wesleyan University, Head Football Coach
Chris Kranju Hastings College, Head Men’s Soccer Coach
Greg McDermott Creighton University, Head Men's Basketball Coach
Darrell Morris University of Nebraska – Kearney, Athletic Director
Bill O’Boyle Chadron State College, Head Football Coach
Ron Rainey University of Iowa, Head Womens Soccer Coach
Bruce Rasmussen Creighton University, Athletic Director
Rick Squiers University Of Nebraska – Kearney, Head Volleyball Coach

Join the Challenge!
To join the challenge and learn more about mentoring, go to or call 1-877-531-8326. To check the scoreboard for the Coaches Challenge go to Join the Team – Be a Mentor.

2010 Annual Partnership Meeting a Success

For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Adrianne Watson


LINCOLN NE –TeamMates coordinators, board members and mentors from over 100 communities across Nebraska, Iowa and California gathered this week at TeamMates Annual Partnership Meeting. Each year the two day meeting brings together the TeamMates leadership for training, guest speakers, and educational session. The meetings are concluded with an awards ceremony celebrating mentoring and preparing to kick off the program for the upcoming school year. TeamMates leadership joined Tom and Nancy Osborne, the co-founders of the program, to revisit the original inspiration for the program.

Dr. Shane Lopez was the keynote speaker. Dr. Lopez leads research on the links between hope, strengths development, academic success, and overall wellbeing and collaborates with scholars around the world on these issues. His talk focused on creating hope and enhancing the strengths of students. Lopez advocates for a whole-school strengths model that also builds the strengths expertise of educators, parents, and youth development organizations. Dr. Lopez works for Gallup's Clifton Strengths Institute.

The following TeamMates communities celebrated their ten year anniversary and were honored for their commitment to a decade of mentoring: Aurora, Boone Central, Centennial, Franklin, Milford, Sandy Creek, Seward, and York

In addition to programs celebrating anniversaries, new communities were welcomed to the TeamMates Mentoring. Those recognized for completing their first year with TeamMates include Nebraska communities of Bridgeport, Maywood, Mullen, Schuyler, and Sutherland and Boyer Vallery and Waterloo in Iowa.

The TeamMates Mentoring Program relies on outstanding local leadership to provide quality mentoring services across Nebraska and Iowa. The communities of Fairbury, Holdrege, Boone Central, and Waterloo, IA were honored for outstanding mentoring programs. Sheila Essary of Nebraska City, Darrell Miller of Wayne, Kim Baliman of Kimball and Julie Lausterer of Saunders County were recognized for outstanding volunteerism. Chad Denker of Seward, Janyce Warneke of Plainview, Maurie Deines of Scotts Bluff County, and Jessica Plueger were honored for outstanding program coordination.

In addition to outstanding program leadership, outstanding TeamMates matches were honored. The following mentors and mentees were recognized for excellence in mentoring: John Owens and Caleb McCartney of Seward, Cathy Kohl and Samantha Reichenberg of Columbus, Brent Block and Tyrell Dewey of Gothenburg, and Kevin Christensen and Justin Krum of Missouri Valley, IA.

The Dreamer Award was presented to Adrian Fiala, long time supporter of TeamMates mentoring, for his organization of the annual Husker Heritage Golf Tournament held in Gothenburg. Proceeds from the event provide dollars for the local Gothenburg mentoring program.

The mission of the TeamMates Mentoring Program is to positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential. The TeamMates Mentoring Program was founded in 1991 by Tom and Nancy Osborne to provide support and encouragement to school-aged youth.

To join the team and be a mentor, call 1-877-531-8326 or go to

Friday, July 23, 2010

Learning from each other: A Story from LPS

Learning from each other is a theme for TeamMates mentor Janice Stege and her mentee Shawna. Janice discovered the mentoring program about six years ago.

Janice was actually a Book Buddy for Shawna for two years at McPhee Elementary School. When Shawna moved into fourth grade, her teacher recommended a TeamMates mentor. “It was a natural that I became her mentor,” Janice said. Read the full article by visiting the LPS website here....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TeamMates Mentoring Program Receives A Grant

(Omaha, NE) – TeamMates Mentoring Program announced today that it has been awarded a grant in the amount of $10,000 by the Nebraska Arts Council. This grant will support expansion of the 2 Generations: 1 Composition Project. Through a series of interactive workshops held in communities throughout Nebraska, mentors and mentees will create works of art utilizing traditional arts avenues and new digital technology.

Nebraska Arts Council’s Executive Director, Suzanne Wise commended TeamMates Mentoring Program for its programs, noting that “TeamMates does an outstanding job of providing arts activities for their mentors and mentees throughout Nebraska. It is through fine organizations like this that Nebraska’s youth receive a better education in the arts, and the quality of life is improved for all Nebraskans.”

Workshops will be scheduled in communities across Nebraska during the 2010-2011 academic years. Over 700 are expected to be reached through this project . For more information about the 2 Generations: 1 Composition Project contact Susie Nelson, Development Director of TeamMates Mentoring Program at (402)390-8326.

The Nebraska Arts Council grants monetary resources to Nebraska’s nonprofit organizations for arts projects and programs in communities throughout the state. This financial support is made possible by funds appropriated by the Nebraska Legislature, through competitive grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), a federal agency, and funds from the Nebraska Cultural Endowment (NCE). Nebraskans wishing to learn more about NEA grants or the NCE should visit the NAC website at

Contact: Adrianne Watson, Marketing Specialist
TeamMates Mentoring Program

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Osborne asks Chamber audience to get involved

Article From The Ralston Recorder
By Adam Klinker
Recorder Managing Editor
Published: Monday, July 5, 2010 12:10 PM CDT

In 1991, Tom Osborne stood at the promontory that was his in college football and took stock of the lay of the land.

What he saw disheartened him.

Traveling from city to city across the country, meeting with young men interested in donning Cornhusker scarlet and cream, Osborne bore witness to a society under siege.

In many recruiting visits, the legendary coach was going into neighborhoods where gangs reigned and drugs were the coin of the realm.

Even in Lincoln, Osborne saw growing problems with violence, drugs and a vicious, intergenerational cycle of students dropping out of school.

Athletics was a way out for some, but Osborne and his wife, Nancy, wondered what they could do to reach out to all children who were growing up in a world fraught with complications that didn’t seem to be there even 30 years ago.

“We thought we had a valuable resource in our football team,” Osborne said. “So the next day, at a team meeting I just asked.”

The coach stopped with the Xs and Os and asked his players if any of them would be willing to meet one-on-one with a middle school student in the Lincoln Public Schools for one hour a week to provide guidance – to provide just presence, even, for a student who might be at-risk.

Twenty-two hands went up and Osborne’s Teammates Mentoring Program was born.

Last Friday, Osborne was at the Ralston Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Council luncheon to share the story of what Teammates has been doing over the last 19 years, how it grew from a 22-pair mentoring program in Lincoln to a statewide network of more than 140 participating elementary and secondary schools, including seven in Ralston.

Addressing a crowd of about 100, Osborne began with a story from his days as a representative in the U.S. House – an office he held from 2001 to 2007. He heard a speech from Great Britain’s then-prime minister, Tony Blair, in which Blair stated, “All power seems eternal, but as Britain knows, it’s transitory. Nothing lasts forever.”

Osborne realized Blair was sending warning signals about how societies can diminish and decay from within. It was exactly the kind of thing Osborne was working to forestall with the Teammates program.

“Sometimes we take for granted the things we know, we think they’ll be there forever,” he said. “I’m not here to say that it’s Armageddon, I’m not here to say it’s all doom and gloom. But all cultures can be one generation away from disintegration. The question is: what do you do about it?

“There’s one thing we’ve hit on, and it’s not a silver bullet, but it does work: mentoring.”

Teammates mentoring involves an adult and student pair who meet for one hour a week. They can talk, share a meal or take part in other activities.

All the mentor really needs to do, Osborne said, is be present in the child’s life. A mentor, he said, is someone who cares unconditionally and provides affirmation and a vision for the child’s life and future.

“If an adult, with no other obligation but to just spend time – one hour a week – with you, for the student, it really means a lot,” Osborne said.

Osborne said some 35,000 students in the metro area could benefit from a mentor. Currently, about 3,000 students are paired with mentors.

“Unless people are interested in these kids, we’re going to keep waking up to three or four shootings and continue to see the 40 percent dropout rates,” he said. “That causes society to become unsustainable. We certainly need financial support, but what we really need is mentors.”

It costs about $470 per mentor-student match, per year, Osborne said. Most matches last about three years.

“It’s cost effective,” he said. “The money is a pretty good investment when you consider someone who drops out of school, on average costs us $200,000 over their lifetime.”

Teammates has also employed Gallup to study the effectiveness of the program and discovered 85 percent of its mentored students show marked improvement in attendance.

A mentored student also shows an average 50 percent improvement in academic work, generally.

There is also a 75 percent drop in disciplinary incidents among mentored students.

“It works,” Osborne reiterated. “We hope you might consider being a mentor.”

At the conclusion of the program, the Small Business Committee presented Osborne with a check to the Teammates Foundation for $750.

The Ripple

We are looking for you! Someone who cares about youth, who is willing to give 1 hour a week to making a difference in their life. Mentoring a child is like starting a ripple in a pond. As Scott Adams said, “Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

Visit to start your application!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pamida Supports District 29 TeamMates

Pamida Supports District 29 TeamMates

The Auburn Pamida Store and the Pamida Foundation awarded the local TeamMates chapter a $500 grant to cover the costs associated with group activities plus those attached to transporting TeamMates students and their mentors on field trips.

During the 2010-11 school year, two group activities are planned. On October 2, District 29 TeamMates will participate in Peru State College’s Homecoming Festivities. They will walk in the Homecoming Parade, attend a PSC Tail Gate and cheer for the PSC Bobcats during the homecoming football game.

In November, TeamMates students and mentors will travel to Omaha’s Quest Center to take in a Creighton Basketball game. Each year, one of Creighton’s home games is designated as a TeamMates Day, a day in which TeamMates adults and students are admitted free of charge.

Susan Reynoldson, a PSC intern for Elaine Hanson, discovered the Pamida Foundation is committed to improving the lives of citizens in the communities in which Pamida stores are located by awarding grants to support community projects. With the assistance of Nancy Fuller, secretary of District 29 TeamMates Advisory Board, Ms. Reynoldson wrote and submitted a grant proposal.

Lisa Jones, manager of Auburn Pamida, announced the grant application had been approved. Jones presented a $500 check to two TeamMates advisory board members. Jones stated, “Pamida is committed to supporting Auburn and in this case, the TeamMates Mentoring Program.”

The TeamMates Mentoring Program was founded in 1991 by Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne. TeamMates is a school based mentoring program that matches adult volunteers from the community with students in grades four through twelve. Mentors meet one hour per week to provide support and encouragement to youth. The TeamMates Mentoring Program serves more than 4,000 youth in 114 communities across Nebraska and Iowa. To become a mentor in the District #29 TeamMates Mentoring Program, contact Dianne Peterson at Calvert Elementary School at 274-4129.

Picture ID: Lisa Jones, manager of Auburn Pamida, presents $500 to District 29 TeamMates Advisory Board members, Barb Billesbach (left) and Elaine Hanson (right).

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hearing the Message!

Special thanks to the following Omaha based companies who took a break from work yesterday to hear the TeamMates message! Tom Osborne and a TeamMates mentee presented to a large group. We hope you join the team and become a mentor!

Cline Williams
Koley Jessen
Northern Natural Gas
Security National Bank
Waitt Interactive
Waitt Outdoor
Waitt Investments

Monday, June 14, 2010

Teammates of Crete

TeamMates of Crete celebrate teamwork and the power of mentoring!

Click on the image above to link to the Crete Public Schools website!

TeamMates of York

YORK — The entrée was a celebration of TeamMates Thursday night at York, with heaping helpings of mentor recruiting and fundraising on the side.

The first of what York TeamMates Program point man Brian Tonniges hopes to be many annual banquets preceded a golf outing Friday.

“We hope to make this into something,” Tonniges said of the two-pronged festival, “just to celebrate TeamMates and as our fundraiser.

TeamMates sponsors a $1,000 scholarship locally for any student who sees his or her mentor/mentee relationship through to high school graduation, then goes on to pursue a degree.

An equal goal, he said, is to “maybe sway some people here to be a mentor or maybe you know someone who would be a great TeamMates volunteer.”

TeamMates, originally started by Coach Tom Osborne using Husker football players for mentors, has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, mentors and their young mentees are seemingly everywhere. Typically, adult mentors are matched with students in sixth or seventh grade. Many of the relationships continue through high school.

That’s exactly the case for mentor Chad Hammer and.....


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MMP Mentor Fair 2010 on Saturday, June 5th 12-4pm

Midlands Mentoring Partnership Mentor Fair 2010
Do you want to make a difference in the life of a child? Not sure how to get involved? Come to the Westroads Mall on Saturday, June 5th from 12pm-4pm to visit with representatives from 11 area mentoring organizations. Find the organization is the best fit for you.

Representatives from: All Our Kids, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midlands, Boys and Girls Club of Omaha, Child Saving Institute, Girls, Inc. Pathfinders, Ollie Webb Center, Inc., Omaha Home for Boys, Omaha Street School, Release Ministries, TeamMates Mentoring Program, Youth Emergency Services (YES).

For more information call 402-392-2025 *1005

Conversation Starter

Conversation Starter!

Keep the communication alive this summer. Make plans to talk to your mentee over the phone or become pen pals! It's easy to keep the communication going when you make it quick and easy. Call at the same time you mentored during the year or drop a postcard in the mail with a few words of encouragement. It's the small things that let people know you care!

Activity of the Day: End of the School Year

It's the end of the school year and that means a change in the mentoring relationship.

- If you plan to continue with the student, assure them you will see them next year, even if they will be going to a different school

- Brainstorm ideas to stay in touch during the summer (Refer to your TeamMates Training Manual - you'll need to complete a separate Plan for Meeting Out of School form for EACH meeting.

- Be sure to celebrate all the good work you've done together during the year. Perhaps interview each other about the changes you've experienced!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Activity of the Day: Start A Memory

Take one mentoring session to reflect on the school year! Use these questions to gather your mentees thoughts about the year. A GREAT way to put this all together is by scrap booking a memory page, a scrap book or gather things in a memory box. Put together items from your mentoring experience this year! This can be simple - write a note to your mentee about your experience. Let me them know you've enjoyed meeting. Include photos, crafts, or memory items! After a couple years of meeting you'll have a wonderful collection!

1. Looking back on the past school year, what was the highlight?
2. What was the worst thing that happened?
3. What was your proudest moment at school?
4. What was your proudest moment at home?
5. Who are some of the new friends you made this year?
6. What was your hardest subject this year?
7. Who was your favorite teacher?
8. What would you say is one of your best skills or talents?
9. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best, how would you rank this past school year? What could have made it better?
10. What are you looking forward to this summer?
11. What are you looking forward to for next school year?

Activity of the Day: Get to Know Each Other

Get to know each other! Complete the following questions together or on your own. Share your answers with each other!

1. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
2. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
3. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime?
4. When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why?
5. Who is your hero? (a parent, a celebrity, an influential person in one’s life)
6. What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
7. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
8. If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
9. What’s your favorite cartoon character, and why?
10. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why
11. What’s the ideal dream job for you?
12. Are you a morning or night person?
13. What are your favorite hobbies?
14. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike?
15. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
16. Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family.
17. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
18. If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be…
19. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
20. If I could meet anyone in the world (past or present) I would meet....

Friday, April 30, 2010

Activity of the Day: Cultural Traditions

Share customs and rituals from your own background. Invite kids to help you with a craft project take a snack or lunch with you that highlights one of your cultural traditions. Make sure you ask your mentee about their traditions and culture! If your mentee doesnt know about what their cultural traditions are ask about their family traditions. Maybe they go to get ice cream every Sunday or walk the dog each night.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hastings Teammates Ping Pong Tournament A Success!

Hastings TeamMates hosted it's 5th annual Ping Pong Tournament. The day was a success! Check out the full story with video coverage from KHAS by clicking HERE.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Teaching Tip

Teaching Tip: After your chapters celebration - use your next mentoring session to write some thank you's. Letter writing can be a lost art! Show your mentee how to write a thank you. How to address the letter and talk about why it's important. Thank your coordinator, corporate sponsors, location sponsors, and contributors!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hastings TeamMates Ping Pong Tournament To Be Held April 24th

Hastings TeamMates Ping Pong Tournament To Be Held April 24th

The Hastings TeamMates Mentoring Program will hold its Fifth Annual Citywide Ping Pong Tournament on Saturday, April 24th. The event will be held at the Hastings Middle School. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM and the tournament will start at 9:00 AM.

Participants may register for singles or doubles in three divisions: Beginners, Intermediates and Masters. First, second and third place medals will be awarded in each division. Concessions will be available and a raffle will be held. The registration fee will be $15.00 per entry. Entry forms may be downloaded at

"Proceeds from the tournament will go toward the TeamMates Scholarship Fund," said David Essink, Tournament Coordinator. "This event has grown from 25 participants in the first tournament to 45 participants in last years tournament. We anticipate this years event will be the biggest and best tournament we've ever had."

The TeamMates Mentoring Program was founded in 1991 by Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne. TeamMates is a school-based mentoring program that matches adult volunteers from the community with students in grades six through twelve. Mentors meet one hour per week to provide support and encouragement. The goal of the program is to help youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education. The TeamMates Mentoring Program serves more than 4,000 youth in communities across Nebraska and eastern Iowa.

For more information about the tournament or the Hastings TeamMates Mentoring Program, call 402-461-7660 or send an email to

Activity of the Day: Hand Down a Hobby!

Hand down a hobby by teaching a young person a skill, such as quilting, carpentry, or gardening. Take resources such as books or magazines to show your mentee. If you make things - show your mentee the final product and the steps to creating. These can be simple things!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conversation Starter: The Nicest Person

Who is the nicest person you know? What qualities or actions make you think of her or him that way? Do you think a person can be too nice or too selfless?

Activity of the Day: Have you mentee help out!

Ask a teen for help with a project you're working on. What may be a burden to you could end up being an opportunity for a teen to gain school credit, boost self-esteem, or even escape from afterschool boredom. Maybe use this project as a lead in to talking about what your mentee would like to be when he or she grows up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting To Know Developmental Assets

This video is a great introduction to Developmental Assets. Get to know the assets by downloading the list HERE!

More posts will follow with tools are resources for helping your mentee develop additional assets.

For more information visit The Search Institutes web page about Developmental Assets.

Activity of the Day: Write a story

>Make a book with a younger child. Cut out magazine illustrations for pictures. Write a fictional story and include the child and yourself as the main characters.

You can keep it simple by using a glue stick and notebook paper.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Activity of the Day: Swap Music Recomendations

Swap music recommendations with a teen. Listen together if you can, and tell each other why you like the music you recommended.

A simple conversation starter...

What gorgeous weather this week!!!! Something as simple as the weather can be a conversation starter for you and your mentee: What is your favorite time of year? Why? What do you LOVE about the warm weather? What do you HATE about the warm weather?

The Importance of Mentoring - From Mentor Michigan

Mentor Michigan has put out a great PSA with Lloyd Carr. No matter what state you are in there are youth who could use a mentor. Pass on the Lloyd Carr's message and recruit a mentor for TeamMates.

Year End Celebration

Pictured above are two Metro Omaha TeamMates graduates

It's that time of year again! It's SPRING!!! Time for the spring game and time for TeamMates Year End Celebrations and Walks. Each chapter does the event a little different. Chapters: go bowling, walk the track at the school, visit the zoo, or get together for a meal.

Last year the Metro Omaha Chapter had nearly 1,300 TeamMates Celebrate a Successful Year on April 23, 1,300 mentors and mentees from the Omaha Metro Chapter of the TeamMates Mentoring Program enjoyed a day at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.

The highlight of the day was a special program honoring graduating TeamMates seniors and their mentors. Each attending graduate was given a TeamMates medallion and a TeamMates diploma. Ashlyn Rogers from Millard Public Schools gave a moving testimony of how her mentor Kelly Souder impacted her life. She encouraged all mentors to continue mentoring because they are making a difference.

This year the Metro Omaha Year End Celebration is April 22nd! We are excited about this beautiful weather - it's going to be a great day to celebrate a year of mentoring.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Council Bluffs in the News

TeamMates of Council Bluffs is in the news! Click HERE to read the full article!

Monday, March 22, 2010

TeamMates Eat Out at Runza is March 30th!! - Great Ideas to Help the Team!

There are so many great ways to help get the word out!

TeamMates in Crete, NE will be keeping Runza busy! The Crete coordinators have contacted the store manager, and created a special Runza TeamMates order form. They are having each of their teachers complete and order form and enclose money for their lunch in an attached ziplock bag. One coordinator will make a run the Runza and pick up everyone's lunch!

What a great idea! Whats your chapter doing? Let us know by emailing:

Find out more about TeamMates Eats Out for Runza Day by CLICKING HERE!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Share Your Story!

Are you interested in sharing your TeamMates event or story? Do you have a testimony you'd like to share about the to the success of mentoring?

Submit your completed, print ready story to:

To be posted on the TeamMates blog, your story must follow TeamMates Policies.

TeamMates Eat Out at Runza is March 30th!!

Save The Date: March 30th, 2010

Visit for more information!

On Tuesday, March 30th Runza Restaurants across Nebraska and Iowa will be donating 10% of all proceeds to the TeamMates Mentoring Program. The effort is part of Runza's belief that it takes more than food to serve a community.

"Runza Restaurants is proud to take an active role in each and every community we serve. More than a responsibility, it's our privilege to positively impact the lives of our neighbors," said Becky Perrett, Director of Marketing at Runza National.

Seventy-six Runza locations will be participating in TeamMates Day. "We are so grateful to Runza for supporting our local chapters across Nebraska and Iowa. TeamMates and Runza are two organizations founded in Nebraska and we are honored to be able to partner together to support our youth," said Suzanne Hince, Executive Director of the TeamMates Mentoring Program.

Founded in 1949, Runza Restaurants is famous for the Runza Sandwich with its delicious blend of ground beef, cabbage, onions and secret spices baked inside homemade bread; made-to-order hamburgers; and homemade onion rings. For more information, visit

Mutual of Omaha Foundation Announces First Quarter Grants

OMAHA, Neb. — (March 11, 2010) The Mutual of Omaha Foundation has announced more than $135,000 in grants for the first quarter of 2010. The grants will assist seven non-profit organizations in addressing critical issues that families in Omaha and surrounding communities face. CLICK HERE to read the full story....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Smashburger Supports TeamMates

Smashburger, a fast casual "better burger" restaurant concept opened its first store in Nebraska at 123rd and "L" Streets in Omaha on October 16, 2009. Smashburger is partnering with TeamMates� Mentoring Program founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne.

Smashburger selected TeamMates as its charity partner because of the mission of the program: to positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential. TeamMates is a school-based mentoring program with mentoring provided for students who have requested a mentor during school hours.

"We are very pleased to be working with TeamMates Mentoring Program," said Rhod McNee, co-owner of Reload, LLC and franchise operator for Nebraska's Smashburgers. "This is an organization whose mission we enthusiastically support. We have the utmost respect for the work Dr. and Mrs. Osborne are doing."

"Smashburger recognizes that early academic success provides students with the skills to attain a bright future," says Smashburger Founder Tom Ryan. "We are excited to partner with TeamMates and positively impact local schoolchildren."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TeamMates: Art in Action

TeamMates: The Arts in Action from Young Nebraska Artists on Vimeo.

Leadership Summit 2010

Join TeamMates Coordinators from across Nebraska and Iowa for networking and fun! Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 18 in Kearney. Register by clicking HERE and linking to the page. Registrations due by March 12. Hotel reservations due by February 17th to Wingate Motel 308-237-4400.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

District 29 TeamMates to Auction off a Suh Jersey to Raise Funds for TeamMates

TeamMates celebrate first year!
Suh jersey to be auctioned on January 24th!

January 19, 2010

There is a new Mentoring Team in town! The Team has a winning record, all 44 players start each week, and no one sits on the bench! The name of the Team is TeamMates, a school-based mentoring program, created by Nancy and Tom Osborne. Currently in its first year, District # 29 TeamMates has 22 matches or 22 students (mentees) meeting with 22 mentors each week during the school year..... READ THE FULLY STORY HERE.

Friday, January 22, 2010

National Thank A Mentor Day

TeamMates would like to extend a special thanks to all of our mentors. We truly value and appreciate all the hard work you are doing to make a difference in the lives of youth.

Thank you!

Woodbine Iowa TeamMates Celebrates National Mentoring Month

Woodbine, Iowa TeamMates Chapter is highlighted in the Logan Herald Observer Newspaper:

TeamMates began with an idea and a Horizons meeting in 2007. January’s National Mentoring Month is a good time to highlight the strides the program has made since its inception. Karen Ryerson and Lynne Glackin were responsible for pushing the program idea through, wanting to focus on the children of Woodbine. Read the full story HERE!