Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pamida Supports District 29 TeamMates

Pamida Supports District 29 TeamMates

The Auburn Pamida Store and the Pamida Foundation awarded the local TeamMates chapter a $500 grant to cover the costs associated with group activities plus those attached to transporting TeamMates students and their mentors on field trips.

During the 2010-11 school year, two group activities are planned. On October 2, District 29 TeamMates will participate in Peru State College’s Homecoming Festivities. They will walk in the Homecoming Parade, attend a PSC Tail Gate and cheer for the PSC Bobcats during the homecoming football game.

In November, TeamMates students and mentors will travel to Omaha’s Quest Center to take in a Creighton Basketball game. Each year, one of Creighton’s home games is designated as a TeamMates Day, a day in which TeamMates adults and students are admitted free of charge.

Susan Reynoldson, a PSC intern for Elaine Hanson, discovered the Pamida Foundation is committed to improving the lives of citizens in the communities in which Pamida stores are located by awarding grants to support community projects. With the assistance of Nancy Fuller, secretary of District 29 TeamMates Advisory Board, Ms. Reynoldson wrote and submitted a grant proposal.

Lisa Jones, manager of Auburn Pamida, announced the grant application had been approved. Jones presented a $500 check to two TeamMates advisory board members. Jones stated, “Pamida is committed to supporting Auburn and in this case, the TeamMates Mentoring Program.”

The TeamMates Mentoring Program was founded in 1991 by Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne. TeamMates is a school based mentoring program that matches adult volunteers from the community with students in grades four through twelve. Mentors meet one hour per week to provide support and encouragement to youth. The TeamMates Mentoring Program serves more than 4,000 youth in 114 communities across Nebraska and Iowa. To become a mentor in the District #29 TeamMates Mentoring Program, contact Dianne Peterson at Calvert Elementary School at 274-4129.

Picture ID: Lisa Jones, manager of Auburn Pamida, presents $500 to District 29 TeamMates Advisory Board members, Barb Billesbach (left) and Elaine Hanson (right).