Friday, August 20, 2010

Bellevue Leader Features an Article about local TeamMates Chapter

TeamMates, the youth mentoring program founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne, is looking for volunteer mentors for about 100 Bellevueelementary, middle and high school students. The organization hopes to find at least 50 new mentorsthis year, said Jesse Hopkins, the TeamMates coordinator for Bellevue PublicSchools.

"It's an amazing opportunity for both BellevuePublic Schools and TeamMates," Hopkins said. "We've got a lot ofpeople who are looking to volunteer somewhere, but they just don't know whereto go. The TeamMates program is an excellent opportunity."

TeamMates was awarded a $55,000 grant from MidlandsMentoring Partnership to expand its presence in Bellevue. The grant allowed forthe hiring of Hopkins and a screening and retention specialist for themetropolitan area.

"TeamMates is definitely an exemplary mentoringprogram," said Deborah Neary, executive director of Midlands MentoringPartnership. "We're thrilled that they are willing to keep expandingbecause the need for mentors is really huge in our local communities."

TeamMates volunteers spend about an hour a week duringschool hours meeting one-on-one with youths through high school graduation.

Volunteers have to pass a background check, after whichthey are matched with a student from third to 12th grade with similarinterests.

Anyone interested in volunteering can apply at or contact Hopkins orBill Richards at the Lied Activity Center by calling 293-5000.