Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Coaches Challenge Kicks Off!

7/28/2009 From WOWT.com - Nebraska Athletic Director Tom Osborne and Kansas State

coach Bill Snyder issued their annual challenge Tuesday, to see which state can recruit the most mentors for Osborne's TeamMates program.

A kickoff celebration was held Tuesday morning in Lincoln. TeamMates is a mentoring program that pairs adults with students statewide. Organizers say the students' needs vary. Some may need help with homework while others simply need a friend.

"It's definitely a rally point at the beginning of the school year to get everything kicked off and started and to get new mentors," said Adrianne Watson with TeamMates.

"You are there to be a caring friend. You are not necessarily a tutor. It's a lot of fun. Go play games and just kind of hang out. It's a great time."

Click here to download an application. Mentors will go through a training session and be matched with a student.

The winning state will be announced at the Nebraska-Kansas State football game November 21st at Memorial Stadium.
