Friday, April 30, 2010

Activity of the Day: Cultural Traditions

Share customs and rituals from your own background. Invite kids to help you with a craft project take a snack or lunch with you that highlights one of your cultural traditions. Make sure you ask your mentee about their traditions and culture! If your mentee doesnt know about what their cultural traditions are ask about their family traditions. Maybe they go to get ice cream every Sunday or walk the dog each night.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hastings Teammates Ping Pong Tournament A Success!

Hastings TeamMates hosted it's 5th annual Ping Pong Tournament. The day was a success! Check out the full story with video coverage from KHAS by clicking HERE.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Teaching Tip

Teaching Tip: After your chapters celebration - use your next mentoring session to write some thank you's. Letter writing can be a lost art! Show your mentee how to write a thank you. How to address the letter and talk about why it's important. Thank your coordinator, corporate sponsors, location sponsors, and contributors!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hastings TeamMates Ping Pong Tournament To Be Held April 24th

Hastings TeamMates Ping Pong Tournament To Be Held April 24th

The Hastings TeamMates Mentoring Program will hold its Fifth Annual Citywide Ping Pong Tournament on Saturday, April 24th. The event will be held at the Hastings Middle School. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM and the tournament will start at 9:00 AM.

Participants may register for singles or doubles in three divisions: Beginners, Intermediates and Masters. First, second and third place medals will be awarded in each division. Concessions will be available and a raffle will be held. The registration fee will be $15.00 per entry. Entry forms may be downloaded at

"Proceeds from the tournament will go toward the TeamMates Scholarship Fund," said David Essink, Tournament Coordinator. "This event has grown from 25 participants in the first tournament to 45 participants in last years tournament. We anticipate this years event will be the biggest and best tournament we've ever had."

The TeamMates Mentoring Program was founded in 1991 by Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne. TeamMates is a school-based mentoring program that matches adult volunteers from the community with students in grades six through twelve. Mentors meet one hour per week to provide support and encouragement. The goal of the program is to help youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education. The TeamMates Mentoring Program serves more than 4,000 youth in communities across Nebraska and eastern Iowa.

For more information about the tournament or the Hastings TeamMates Mentoring Program, call 402-461-7660 or send an email to

Activity of the Day: Hand Down a Hobby!

Hand down a hobby by teaching a young person a skill, such as quilting, carpentry, or gardening. Take resources such as books or magazines to show your mentee. If you make things - show your mentee the final product and the steps to creating. These can be simple things!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conversation Starter: The Nicest Person

Who is the nicest person you know? What qualities or actions make you think of her or him that way? Do you think a person can be too nice or too selfless?

Activity of the Day: Have you mentee help out!

Ask a teen for help with a project you're working on. What may be a burden to you could end up being an opportunity for a teen to gain school credit, boost self-esteem, or even escape from afterschool boredom. Maybe use this project as a lead in to talking about what your mentee would like to be when he or she grows up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting To Know Developmental Assets

This video is a great introduction to Developmental Assets. Get to know the assets by downloading the list HERE!

More posts will follow with tools are resources for helping your mentee develop additional assets.

For more information visit The Search Institutes web page about Developmental Assets.

Activity of the Day: Write a story

>Make a book with a younger child. Cut out magazine illustrations for pictures. Write a fictional story and include the child and yourself as the main characters.

You can keep it simple by using a glue stick and notebook paper.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Activity of the Day: Swap Music Recomendations

Swap music recommendations with a teen. Listen together if you can, and tell each other why you like the music you recommended.

A simple conversation starter...

What gorgeous weather this week!!!! Something as simple as the weather can be a conversation starter for you and your mentee: What is your favorite time of year? Why? What do you LOVE about the warm weather? What do you HATE about the warm weather?

The Importance of Mentoring - From Mentor Michigan

Mentor Michigan has put out a great PSA with Lloyd Carr. No matter what state you are in there are youth who could use a mentor. Pass on the Lloyd Carr's message and recruit a mentor for TeamMates.

Year End Celebration

Pictured above are two Metro Omaha TeamMates graduates

It's that time of year again! It's SPRING!!! Time for the spring game and time for TeamMates Year End Celebrations and Walks. Each chapter does the event a little different. Chapters: go bowling, walk the track at the school, visit the zoo, or get together for a meal.

Last year the Metro Omaha Chapter had nearly 1,300 TeamMates Celebrate a Successful Year on April 23, 1,300 mentors and mentees from the Omaha Metro Chapter of the TeamMates Mentoring Program enjoyed a day at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha.

The highlight of the day was a special program honoring graduating TeamMates seniors and their mentors. Each attending graduate was given a TeamMates medallion and a TeamMates diploma. Ashlyn Rogers from Millard Public Schools gave a moving testimony of how her mentor Kelly Souder impacted her life. She encouraged all mentors to continue mentoring because they are making a difference.

This year the Metro Omaha Year End Celebration is April 22nd! We are excited about this beautiful weather - it's going to be a great day to celebrate a year of mentoring.